Remember your eyes

Studying is nowadays performed by utilizing the phone or other electronic devices. At the same time, distances between the eyes and the display get shorter and eyes become more strained than before. Especially during long-term and precise work, the eyes may ache, or feel watery or dry.

The eyes need to be relaxed regularly. Breaks away from the screen reduce eye strain caused by work. Eye exercises as well as looking further over the screen revitalizes the eye muscles. Also, pay attention to adequate lighting and elimination of reflections on the computer screen.

Six tips for relaxing your eyes:

  1. Turn your eyes towards the floor and blink. This moisturizes the surface of the eye and relaxes the eye muscles.
  2. Look far away and try to look surprised, then squeeze your eyes closed. Repeat this exercise a few times.
  3. Imagine a large ‘eight’ in front of you from 3 to 5 meters away. Follow the shape of eight with your eyes a couple of times and change direction. Repeat 2–3 times.
  4. Keep your head still. Look to the left and then to the right. Repeat a few times. Next, look down and focus your eyes on a certain point. Then look up and focus your eyes, e.g. on the ceiling or the lamp. Repeat this a few times.
  5. Look far away and knit your brows several times. This movement increases the blood flow around the eyes.
  6. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, relaxing your eyes as well as your face.

