Exercise tips for vocational students

Tips for break exercises for vocational students.

A set of three materials includes instructions for

Heavy physical wok

Physical work may include lots of movement, challenging positions and heavy lifts. The body needs to be prepared for sudden movements. Stretching and moves designed to maintain range of motion during the work day are very good for the body. Also pay attention to ergonomic lifting, range of motion and planning of work.

These exercise tips are meant to be done during the workday. You can perform all moves at the same time or choose the ones that suit you the best.

A man stretches his back while standing with his hands behind his knees. The back is rounded and the head hangs down. The man is wearing red and blue clothes on a blue gym mat.

Office or sedentary work

Long-term office work makes muscles passive and puts a strain on the back. Relieve the physical stress of sitting by moving every 20 to 30 minutes. Your efficiency at work won’t suffer from you stretching yourself every once in a while – quite the opposite.

These exercise tips are meant to be done during the workday. You can perform all moves at the same time or choose the ones that suit you the best.

A man is doing a break exercise on a blue gym mat, dressed in red and blue sports clothes. The man has his left foot in front and his right behind, facing towards the front foot. The hands are open on the side so that the left hand opens behind and the right remains in front.

Work done standing up

Work that includes lots of standing are heavy on the legs, feet and back. Take breaks so that your muscles get a chance to rest.

When your body feels uncomfortable or you can no longer focus, it’s a sign that usually means it’s time for a break or to change your position. It’s also good to sit down every once in a while, so that your legs and feet get some rest. Investing in good work shoes is a good idea if your work includes lots of standing.

These exercise tips are meant to be done during the workday. You can perform all moves at the same time or choose the ones that suit you the best.

A man is doing a break exercise on a blue gym mat, dressed in red and blue sports clothes. A man stretches his pectoral muscle in a wide lunge position with his right hand on the wall so that the pectoral muscle stretches.

Updated: 16.8.2024
