Meal rhythm

It is important to maintain your regular meal rhythm from day to day so that hunger and cravings do not control your eating too much. When hunger is manageable, it is easier to make smart food choices.

Five important keypoints:

  • Breakfast: Breakfast starts the engine. Eat breakfast at home or take it with you on your way to school so that you stay alert throughout the first classes.
  • Lunch: Lunch at school is always a good and healthy choice.
  • Snack: Choosing healthy snacks helps to keep the hunger away between main meals and meal sizes appropriate.
  • Dinner: Dinner is the one of the most important meals of the day.
  • Evening snack: A decent snack before sleeping ensures that the stomach does not growl at night.

Eating regularly keeps the blood sugar levels steady. The basic principle is to eat every 3–4 hours, which means having 5–7 meals a day.


Nutrition and food recommendations for Adults (Finnish Food Authority, National Nutrition Council)

