Sleep and rest of a physically active person

A person who is physically active, understands that adequate sleep is essential for well-being and exercise. During sleep and rest, the body recovers from physical exertion. Therefore, it is important to remember to allow enough time for rest.

The function of sleep is to regulate the brain’s energy balance, alertness, performance, and learning. During sleep, body recovers from muscle fatigue, tissue damage is repaired, as well as energy reserves are filled. Growth hormone is also secreted during sleep. Staying awake late and sleep deprivation impair performance that requires observation and coordination. In addition, exercising when tired can expose you to overstrain as well as accidents and injuries.

After hard training and strenuous training periods, lighter and more restorative periods should be held. During these lighter periods, the muscles, nervous system, brain, and the rest of the body recover from the exertion and prepare for the next performance. So make sure that the rest days are part of your exercise program.

If you exercise a lot, you might need some more sleep. A half-hour nap is a good way to recharge your batteries. However, longer naps can make it harder to fall asleep in the evening.

