Tips for good sleep

These home remedies are worth a try if it’s hard for you to fall asleep:

  • Do the things on the “to-do list” before 9 p.m., otherwise those things might run through your mind in bed.
  • Write your worries down on paper.
  • Turn off the screens (e.g. phone, TV, laptop) an hour before going to bed. Blue light from electronic devices interferes with melatonin secretion, which may delay sleep.
  • Avoid coffee, cola and energy drinks before going to bed as they will refresh you.
  • Observing your breath will help you relax and fall asleep. Count in your mind to four during inhalation and seven during exhalation. Adjust the counting to suit your breathing rhythm.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for a couple of hours before going to bed. Keep in mind, however, that relaxing outdoor activities may even improve sleep.
  • Ensure the best possible conditions for a good sleep. Clean sheets, a good pillow and blanket, and an appropriate lighting and moderate temperature contribute to your sleep. A bad pillow can also cause neck-shoulder ailments.
  • Alcohol does not cure insomnia! Alcohol dirsupts sleep, and sleep will not be as restful as usual.

