How to make studying more efficient?

Remembering and comprehending require concentration. If the studying is disrupted by repeated interruptions, attention is focused on irrelevant things, or there are too many things to learn, studying may start to feel burdening or even stressful.

To handle the flood of information, one should make to-do lists, prioritize tasks and allocate enough time in the calendar to complete tasks in an environment where there are not too many distractions. It has also been studied that even a short break by standing up and light pause exercises activate the brain’s metabolism and contribute to learning.

Source: Siekkinen, K. 2019. Opiskeluergonomia – sujuvampaa ja vaivattomampaa opiskelua.
In the book: Kunttu, K. ym. Opiskeluterveys. Duodecim.

To do -list

