Physical Activity Recommendation for Adults with Functional Limitations

The physical activity recommendation for adults with functional limitations introduces the weekly amount of physical activity that’s essential for functional ability and well-being. The recommendation also gives advice on how to increase physical activity in everyday life.

Infographic of the physical activity recommendation for adults with functional limitations. Text content can be found on the website.
Picture 3. Weekly physical activity recommendation for adults with functional limitations.

The physical activity recommendation for adults with functional limitations is created for adults who have functional limitations due to an illness or injury, or who use assistive devices such as a walking stick, a rollator or a wheelchair. Functional ability is shaped individually by physical, mental and social factors.

The advice of the physical activity recommendation for adults with functional limitations

  • Train your muscles and challenge your balance at least twice a week.
  • Moderate physical activity at least 2 hours 30 minutes per week OR vigorous physical activity at least 1 hour 15 minutes per week.
  • Light physical activity as often as possible.
  • Take breaks to sedentary behaviour whenever possible.
  • Sleep adequately.
  • Be physically active on a daily basis, or almost daily basis.
  • Adjust the movement according to your own abilities and well-being.

Choose your own way, and take into account the functional limitations that you have. Adjust your own ways to move according to the situation.


More information about the physical activity recommendations can be found on the UKK Institute’s web page:

Weekly Physical Activity Recommendation for Adults with Functional Limitations

Updated: 15.8.2024
